新乡医学院成人高等学历教育2018级第二学期 《英语2》专升本试卷(B) (二)

26. He said he wouldn’t mind ________ at home.

A. leaving alone               B. being left alone      C. to be left lonely      D. to leave alone

27. Tom was said to ________ Mary for 40 years.

A. have been married to          B. have married with        C. has been married     D. had married with

28. I remember ________ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.

A. to be paid               B. being paid         C. to pay          D. paying

29. If you go there alone after dark you might get ________.

A. attacked and robbed     B. attacking and robbing   C. to attack and rob   D. to be attacked and robbed

30. What I wanted to know was when and where the meeting ________.

A. was holding   B. had held      C. was to hold      D. was to be held

31. Only when all of us join in the efforts to eliminate corruption, ________ a cleaner social environment.

   A. we can have             B. can we have       C. we have           D. we will have

32. So curious ________ that she opened the box that God gave her.

   A. was Pandora            B. Pandora was      C. is Pandora             D. Pandora is

33. Seldom ________ each other although we live on the same campus.

   A. will we meet             B. we met       C. do we meet                  D. did we meet

34. Julia has never been to New York, and ________.

   A. neither do we           B. so we have      C. either we have          D. neither have we

35. So badly ________ in the traffic accident that she had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks.

   A. did she injure           B. she did injure      C. was she injured             D. he was injured

36. Hardly had he got to the classroom ________ the bell rang.

   A. then                  B. than                               C. so                    D. when

37. Scarcely had they seated themselves in the theatre ________.

   A. then the curtain went up                        B. than the curtain went up

   C. and the curtain went up                               D. when the curtain went up

38. On no account ________ with folded arms.

   A. we will look upon            B. will we look upon    C. we look upon            D. we looked upon

39. Little ________ how happy I had been at that time.

   A. my parents will realize                                 B. my parents had realized

   C. did my parents realized                        D. had my parents realized

40. Not until you talked with him ________ the seriousness of his mistakes.

   A. did he realize            B. had he realized      C. he realized          D. he had realized

41. It was between 1989 and 1999 ________ great changes took place in our       hometown.

   A. when               B. that                 C. which                     D. because

42. Was _________ his illness ________ he didn’t go to see the film?

   A. necessary, when             B. that important of, why     C. even if, for                      D. it because of, that 

43. Was ________ that I saw last night at the corner?

   A. it you                B. not you           C. you                       D. that yourself

44. It was not until 1920 ________ regular radio broadcast began.

   A. while                 B. which        C. that                         D. since

45. Was it during the Second World War ________ he died?

 A. while                 B. that                 C. in which                 D. then 

46. It was ________ he said ________ disappointed me.

 A. what, that          B. that, that          C. what, what              D. that, what

47. It was about 600 years ago ________ the first clock with a face and an hour hand   was made.

   A. when               B. until          C. before                    D. that

48. ________ is no possibility ________ Bob can win the first prize in the match. 

 A. There, that       B. It, that            C. There, whether       D. It, whether

49. It was in the small house that was built with stones by his father ________ he   spent his childhood.                                                                      

 A. that                B. where            C. which                   D. who

50. I really don’t know ________ I had my money stolen.

A. when was it that                         B. that it was when 

C. where it was that                D. it was where that

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